English copywriter in Paris: moments of uncomplicated calm in Paris

Paris is a city on the go. Not up there with the likes of New York, but by French standards it’s the fast-paced high life. There is little time to stop and take a moment to do nothing, simply stare at the sky or breath few moments of calm in Paris (without a tingling feeling of guilt or I-must-have-forgotten-to-do-something).

Yet, as I sit in my little bar en bas I feel a world away from the big lights. I feel a delightful sense of calm in Paris as I sip my demie and watch the world go by. It feels like a village. And this is one of the reasons I love the 20ème.

Only yesterday I discovered a strip of wild woodland skirting the Père Lachaise cemetery. This jardin naturel even has an overgrown little overgrown pond tucked away in a corner.

Jardin Naturel - Calm in Paris

For someone like me who always likes to be busy it a bit of a shock to the system. But, a good one.

Since moving here, I’ve slowed down and I’m not sure I’ll ever get back up to speed.

May there be many more moments of calm in Paris!

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