50 shades of lockdown - part 5

I’m back again. Another week has come and gone. Life still seems to be suspended like a film on pause. As if waiting to flood the screen with sounds, images and action.

A dawning realisation

To state the obvious, it’s increasingly clear that this pandemic won’t be over any time soon. And, it will fundamentally change the way we live, work and view the world. On Monday, President Macron announced that un-quarantining would begin on 11th May. At the same time making it clear that this would be very gradual, and life would not go back to normal in May. Or, June or even by the end of the year.

How freely will we be able to travel?

When will mass gatherings be authorised?

When and for how long will we need to wear masks?

All these questions and many more are floating in the air with no immediate answers. For many of us, planning has been put on hold. This is both terrifying and, in some ways, liberating. We have time to slow down. We don’t need fill every hour, every day with activities, outings and “doing”. We can just be.

The other side of lockdown

Obviously, that’s all very well if you have somewhere to sleep, food to eat and money in the bank. It’s a very different matter for the millions living precariously. I can understand the growing resentment over the extreme measures taken, which has lead to protests in countries like the US.

What will be the human cost of quarantine? Not in terms of lives saved from Covid-19, but the millions of people falling into poverty and struggling to survive.

What about the impact on their long-term health?

What is the right balance? How do we protect as many people as possible?

Yet more questions with no easy answers.

A little more from me

On a personal level, this week has been quiet. Highlights included more Skype storytelling with Granny and some excellent Kindle and Audible books effortlessly topped up online. Not forgetting 2 intense runs to brush away the dust and melancholy.

Workwise, the week was even quieter. The list of projects on hold is growing, while the to-dos are getting thinner on the ground. As companies struggle to deal with survival, keeping afloat and reorganising themselves for post-lockdown, other projects are getting pushed to the back of the line.

Some silver linings

So, I’m making the most of this “extra” time to look after existing clients and be ready when normality starts to trickle back – getting my website up to date, reaching out to old and new clients, reading articles and books, and writing blog articles like this one.

Stay safe and, as always, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need English content or advice on any kind of editorial project.

I’ll be back next week with the next instalment!

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