6 reasons why AI may not mean an apocalyptic end to copywriting

So far, 2023 has been marked by the war in Ukraine, pension reform (here in France) and… the rise of ChatGPT. Launched in November 2022, this OpenAI-owned tech has taken the world of content and marketing by hurricane-like storm.

Drawing on years of experimental AI, the chatbot has gone from producing clunky phrases and nonsense to coherent paragraphs and (sometimes) insightful ideas. Using algorithms and pre-existing content, ChatGPT conjures full articles and snappy headings – and everything in between. If it’s given the right input that is.

With the global generative AI market set to be worth over $110.8 billion by 2030 according to Acumen Research and Consulting, should marketers start feeling nervous? What does it mean for copywriters who make a living crafting content?

To dive a little deeper, I decided to ask the culprit/innovator/disrupter itself.

While the automation of content generation may threaten some aspects of the profession, the human touch, creativity, and adaptability of copywriters will remain invaluable. By embracing AI as a collaborator, specializing in niche areas, and continuously evolving their skills, copywriters can thrive in the AI era, providing unique value and ensuring their relevance in the ever-changing landscape of content creation.

A positive take that chimes with my own humble impressions. Let’s delve deeper to see exactly what it means on the ground.

  1. In the right direction

ChatGPT and other AI-powered tools still has some way to go. According to the OpenAi team, “it sometimes writes plausible sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers”. It isn’t yet fully or finely tuned, although undoubtedly the quality and “humanness” of the texts will continue to improve in the next few years.

  1. All about input

The content produced is only as good as the input you provide. Asking the right questions and providing a detailed brief requires intricate knowledge of the client/company/context. This kind of interaction and empathy is something copywriters are very good at and where they add oodles of value. While machines seem to struggle. Copywriters therefore still have a key role in connecting and collaborating with the client and other project stakeholders – to take onboard feedback, manage changing expectations and do those last-minute adjustments.

  1. Overview & oversight

ChatGPT not only requires smart input, but also careful corrections and checking. It’s a great starting point for finding inspiration and setting the ball rolling. But the final text still needs to be checked by an expert who can remove any ambiguity, adapt the tone of voice and ensure it meets the original brief.

And that’s where experienced copywriters step in.

  1. Heavy lifting

 AI can automate some copywriting and is very good at creating repetitive, formulaic content. ChatGPT will replace real-life copywriters for certain types of content – this is already the case in some instances. However, there’s a big upside side too.

By summarising large volumes of information, coming up with initial ideas and writing first drafts, it frees up more time for experienced copywriters to focus on doing what they do best: sharp strategies and creative wording. Marketers and copywriters may not be as fast as AI in analysing vast amounts of data and instantly spotting patterns, but…

  1. Flourishing finishing touches

…they can draw on their creativity and empathy to make sure the content an/or conception slot into the client’s specific needs. AI struggles with context, tone, and adapting to ever-changing consumer preferences, potentially leading to impersonal and disconnected content. For the time-being at least. While copywriters still bring that magic and resonance that make some taglines, ideas and ads so unforgettable.

  1. A new era

AI is already shaking up (and stirring) the way we produce content. Some tasks will be increasingly automated. However, rather than seeing ChatGPT as a threat, ambitious copywriters and marketers can draw on its huge potential as a tool. AI can do much of the hard manual data-digging labour for you, creating more time and space to sharpen your ideas, messages and wording – and for the creativity and empathy that make us so human.

What do you think about ChatGPT (the positive, negative and downright bizarre)? Do you have any ChatGPT success stories or fails to share?

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