50 shades of lockdown: part 3

My blog posts are lagging a little behind events. But I’ll catch up soon, I promise. Or maybe it’s better to write with a few days of perspective in my pen. In any case, I hope you enjoyed part 1 and part 2. Here’s the next installment from English Copywriter in Paris.

 Day 15: dragging on

The 3rd week of lockdown has officially landed. Although it feels a lot longer. I’m keeping busy with my website, admin and ongoing projects. Not to mention an excitable 3-year-old. But I can’t seem to stop myself checking news sites for COVID-19 updates. A rather depressing way to procrastinate.

 Day 16: an uphill struggle

Nothing very interesting to report.

Highlight 1- my partner going to shops. Yipppeee! Who knew stocking up the fridge could be so exciting?

Highlight 2 – a long staircase running session to tire me out, feel my muscles ache and (attempt to) recreate the training sessions I’m missing so much.

 Day 17: business (almost) as usual

With new copywriting projects to keep me busy, I’m feeling in brighter spirits or else too occupied to let my thoughts linger. We’ve got the daily routine with our 3-year-old down to a fine art. Although I am a little worried at his unnerving capacity to sit still when watching cartoons.

Day 18: non-stop

The day whizzes by in a blur of potty training (thanks to lockdown, we’re reached a 99% success rate)…

…client phone calls, a Nike training session, writing product descriptions, cooking dinner and multiple bedtime stories. Every now and then, I conjure the calm, leisurely lockdown of people without young children. And, then I imagine having 3 kids and a much smaller apartment.

It’s nearly the weekend but that doesn’t mean much these days.

 Day 19: spring clean

Extreme times call for extreme cleaning! I’ve never been much of a clean freak but, given that we’re cooped up inside all the time, things seemed to get dirtier, dustier, and more fingerprint riddled than usual. There is something almost therapeutic, or at least satisfying, at seeing the apartment looking somewhat more pristine. If only it lasted! I even started cleaning the vast sliding glass doors on our veranda. A rather daring feat when you’re 11 stories up.

 Day 20: a day of rest (I wish)

It all began with a short, energising early-morning run topped off with some high(ish)-speed interval training. The streets were empty, and it felt almost like your standard, sleepy Sunday with everyone enjoying a lie-in. The rest of the day quickly filled up with an urgent work project, playing hide and seek, and baking gingerbread cookies. Not such a bad end to the week after all.

Day 21: new beginnings

For me, Monday is usually filled with purpose, making plans and getting down to work. I can’t say I have any plans, but I have got stuck into my work to-do list, albeit a shorter one than usual. But my thoughts quickly start to wander. How long will the projects keep flowing? Will the clients I’ve just billed be able to pay? My head is swimming but there are no answers (yet). I’m used to work being irregular – I can be hectically busy or quietly plod along for weeks or even months on end. But this crisis looks set to shake up everything, and for long time.

Phew! I made it through week 3. What about you? How are you doing?

Let me know in the comments below.

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